Okay, so back to the "Desk". . .it took more work than I thought, as do most projects I get myself into...:) But it truly became a labor of love towards the end. On Wednesday night, after working all day on project #2 (cleaning out my craft/gift-wrapping/photography/sewing, etc. closet), I went back to assemble the desk. Mind you, this is after sanding, priming, painting three coats of red, stenciling, decoupaging, trimming out with beads, (of course it had to have beads!), and sealing twice. There weren't many parts to assemble, but at 10:30 at night, after an exhausting week and day of cleaning out the closet from Hades....I was about delirious trying to re-assemble the few pieces I needed to. But I was so stubborn and so determined to get it done before I went to sleep. I'm embarrassed to say, I was literally crying out to God to help me get a very stubborn bolt to go into place...I had run out of strength and this particular bolt was being extremely obstinate! I know the Lord was laughing at me. (In a nice way.) I felt Him tell my Spirit, "Dawn, why do you do this to yourself? Who's here pushing you to finish this? No one." I had no answer for the Lord. I don't know why I push so hard on some things and give up so easily on others. I consider myself "fickle", but it's not something I'm proud of.
Anyway, I did finally get the last piece of the desk assembled and I stepped back and gleamed at what I would call..."A Masterpiece." I don't mean that in a boastful way, I mean it from this vantage point: That desk was not much when I purchased it. It wasn't attractive on the outside or inside, but I saw great potential in it the moment I laid my eyes on it. I took it under my care and scrubbed off the outer layer to prepare it for it's new life...a brand new life, with a new owner who would LOVE it and cherish it because of how much blood, sweat and tears went into "saving" it. I smile every time I glance over at it, while it sits there so majestically in my living room. I'm proud of how it turned out. It's not just pretty to look at, it is completely functional for my needs.
Doesn't that story sound familiar to you? The Blood, Sweat, and Tears of Jesus Christ went upon the Cross to purchase you and me! He put so much into us and now He steps back and looks at His beautiful daughters and sons and gleams as bright as the sun. He is so proud of His creation and desire for us to "function" for His exact purposes. Otherwise, we might sit in the Thriftstore, useless, lifeless-wondering why we even exist.
Here's the deal...the "purchase" has already been made. YOU and I have a New Owner. Maybe there is some sanding to do, or maybe a little priming to get you ready for your new "look." (And does Jesus look good on you!) Maybe you've already been painted and now you're ready for some "detail" work...wherever you are in this wonderful refining process...know this: He will finish the good work He started in you...it will be completed. Isn't that comforting to know? No matter which phase we're in...He WILL complete the project. Oh my, that gives me so much comfort right now. I pray it gives you comfort too. The crown I put on the lower right corner of the door, (my favorite part of the desk), symbolizes that I am an Heiress to the King...THE KING of HEAVEN AND EARTH!
Romans 8:15-17 So you have not received a spirit that makes you fearful slaves. Instead, you have received God's Spirit when He adopted you as His own children. Now we call Him, "Abba, Father. For His Spirit joins with our spirit to affirm that we are God's children. And since we are His children, we are His Heirs. In fact, together with Christ we are heirs of God's glory. But if we are to share His glory, we must also share His suffering. (NLT)
Okay, now to project #2. This was not really a labor of love. There was a lot of labor, but not much love. This large closet just kept getting crammed full of stuff, hobby after hobby went into this closet. And with my aforementioned "fickleness", there are many hobby items in there. Well, it got to the point that every time I opened the doors, I just cringed when I saw what was staring back at me. Total disarray. No organization at all. Until I pulled everything out onto the floor, I had no idea what all was in there. I surprised myself. I worked on that closet for two days and finally got everything put back in (that I kept) and everything off the floor. Now, when I open the doors, I get this feeling of great accomplishment and a smile crosses my face. That is good.
I liken that disorganized, crammed full, closet to my own life sometimes. I can really get overextended, even with many good things. I love helping people, volunteering and exploring all my many hobbies. But the other day, I listed all the activities I had my hand in and thought, "good grief....even too much of a good thing is still too much."
God and I are working some things out and I'm prioritizing my list. I love my life, don't get me wrong. I'm living my dream life: Child of God, Housewife Extraordinaire (hence my business card)
I heard so many times from Mom, "You don't need a man to take care of you. You need to get a college degree so you can take care of yourself." I believe those statements are wise , but I know now that they came from a wounded woman's heart. I lived by those statements for many years, but the truth has set me free. I have taken care of myself, been on my own, and did just fine...but I DO need to love Gary and be loved back by him. Not to take care of me, but to know what true love feels like here on Earth. He is a very close example of Jesus. He's shown me how Jesus loves me...except Jesus loves me thousands of times more than Gary. But at least now I have a reference point.
I'll continue with our story next post. I think I'll chill out tonight so I'll be rested and rejuvenated when my husband comes home tomorrow. For now, that IS my purpose... :) toodles :))
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