Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Don't Buy the Lie!

While I'm studying the Book of James TWICE this semester, God has been loud and clear on some things He's wanted me to take care of.  James is a convicting book if you just read straight through it, but when you actually dig down deep into the depths of the meaning behind the book, well. . . it's downright uncomfortable!!  Beth Moore mentioned last night in her video, and I'm paraphrasing: "How long has it been since the Word of God caused you to change something about yourself?"  Wow.  Just that one question brings conviction to me.  My answer was:  "This morning!" :)

In a ladies Bible Study I'm in on Tuesday mornings we are studying James, chapters 4 & 5 with Chip Ingram.  Just those two chapters have enough instruction on "right" living, that if we never studied anything else, we could certainly live more righteously by applying the wisdom from those chapters.  So, while I was listening Tuesday morning to Chip's video, he asked: "Is there anyone you need to seek forgiveness from?"  I knew immediately there was.  That person had been on my mind several times over the past two years and I KNEW God wanted me to seek forgiveness.  But I delayed.  Fear of rejection.  Just fear.  But then last night, the conviction came again and there was no denying, God was not going to allow my disobedience to be comfortable one more day.  "Okay, Okay, God!  I will call tomorrow."

I did call, today, and I met with this precious person face to face.  Thank goodness, she had not been offended by me, but I still needed to apologize for not coming to her sooner and allowing the enemy to cause divisiveness, even if only perceived, in the Body of Christ.  That's what James talks about.  How we Believers are divided amongst ourselves and how the enemy wins when that happens!  The lies he tells us are so believable, we buy them.  Or I did, anyway.  I am now determined to take the facts to God, weigh them carefully and if there is still an issue, go to that person quickly to resolve whatever the problem is--even if its just a perceived problem.  I will NOT let the enemy talk me out of it!

I was wearing a distorted set of lenses and could not see the truth.  His cunning deception worked on me and I am humbled to have to admit that.  However, as with all his schemes, once brought to the Light, he loses his power immediately.  Ahh, sweet revenge on him:  when he plans something to harm us, and God turns it around for good! 

I pray you are not wrestling with anything from the enemy, but if you are, rest assured, he wants you to be paralyzed in fear.  Don't buy the lie.  He can't tell the truth, but God's truth can and will set you free!

The Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.
2 Corinthians 3:17

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