Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year. . .

So, 2011 came in quietly and without event.  Gary had contracted the dreaded "junk" that was being passed around his office and felt crummy, although he stayed awake with me to watch the ball drop in NYC!  (Even though it was only 11:00, I appreciated his effort tremendously.)

My last post reads sad at first, then gradually gets better.  It's always so astounding to me as I go back and read a post from weeks before.  I'm amazed at where I can be on one day, and where I might be three weeks later.  I better not ponder that thought too analytical mind will have me diagnosed with ALL kinds of things! lol!

I've never been one to make many New Year's resolutions...probably because I was never good at keeping them and I didn't like the feeling of "defeat" I got from not being able to keep them.  So, as 2011 rolls in, I'm just going to proclaim a few things, in the Name of Jesus:

1)  I proclaim to learn and know who I am in Christ, without any doubts-EVER! (I am seriously getting so tired of this back and forth battle with the enemy.  I'm going to let him have it this year!)
2)  I proclaim to stop worrying so much about others and letting people be responsible for themselves.  (I mean this in a good way :)
3) I proclaim to be authentic, honest, and loving to myself and others...whatever the cost.  (I apologize in advance if my honesty is ever too brutal.  I intend to do honesty in love.)
4)  I proclaim to take a proactive role in my health and well-being- physically, mentally and spiritually. And I intend to learn much more about natural medicine and homeopathic healing. ( I also intend to get my body fat to 25% by March 15, 2011.)

I've only mentioned a few of my "proclamations", but these are the first ones that come to mind.  I believe with all my heart that 2011 will be a year of revelation, freedom and sincerity.  I look forward to God's revelations, His purposes for Gary and me and for His love in everything.

God has blessed me beyond belief and I owe all the praise and honor and glory to Him.  He IS the God of the Universe! 

Oh and Get ready!  He's coming back!

Happy New Year Blessings to You!

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