Tuesday, January 25, 2011

God. . .Alone

I just finished Session 3 of Beth Moore's study on David.  Bam!!! Did God speak right to my heart using Beth's mouth!  Before Bible Study tonight, as I was getting ready...an issue rose up in my mind and I began playing it out....you know, when you have a conversation with a person you need to address and you have the conversation out loud?  Yea, one of those.  lol....  During my "one-person" conversation, everything I was saying was right on...I was pleading my case and winning! lol!  So, by the time I left for Bible Study, it was resolved.  I was right and they would have to live with that....

Then Beth starts her spill about this VERY issue...asking us, the audience if anyone has ever done that?  You know, you get this obsessive thought and you analyze it every which way and you win when it's all said and done...?  Yep, God was calling me out right there as I sat on the couch at Bible study.

Here's the bottom line and what I learned tonight:  GOD ALONE will defend me.  GOD ALONE will defend my honor.  I don't have to fight for it, He will do it for me.

Have you ever felt you had to defend your position because you knew deep down you were right?  Did you take matters into your own hands trying to defend that position?  I know I've done this countless times.  Next time, I'm going to allow God to be my Defender.

  My victory and my honor come from God alone.  
He is my refuge, a rock where no enemy can reach me.  
Psalm 62:7

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Knowledge is power. . .

     Knowledge IS power!  I am so happy to say that as I take a more proactive role in my health, I feel much more EMPOWERED!  I love that!  In an earlier post, I noted that I wanted to get my body fat down to 25% by March.  So far, I've lost 5 pounds and about 1.5% body fat.  Well, what I didn't mention in that earlier post is that for the past 5 years, I've been a natural laxative addict! :)  (You might want to stop reading this if you're uncomfortable with body-speak.) lol!

     Okay, so without too many details, one of the aspects of my health I knew I needed to address in this new year is this addiction to natural Senna...which is a laxative.  All of this addiction started after my surgery in 2004...my colon just went to sleep and couldn't "wake-up", so a doctor prescribed a medication to get my colon to wake up and get moving...however, I didn't want to become dependent on the prescription med, so I began taking a "natural laxative, i.e. Senna" via tea.  It worked!  However, the longer I took it, the more I needed....then I added Senna tablets at night along with the tea, then more tablets and more, until I was up to FIVE a night, PLUS the tea!  Oh my goodness, an addiction had been born!  So, on the suggestions of two dear friends, Tammy and Kathy, I decided to visit
ICAM (Integrated Complementary Alternative Medicine) www.icamamarillo.com

      For many years, I believe that I have been putting toxins into my body through, chemicals, tobacco, alcohol, processed foods, sugar (lots), my beloved diet cokes, fake sugar, medications, etc. etc....  Many years ago, when my mom was being treated for breast cancer with chemo, I saw how sick she was during her treatments and thought to myself, "how could something so toxic be good for her?"  It didn't make sense.  I know chemotherapy has come a LONG way since the mid '80's and I'm so thankful for that, but it is still a toxin.

     So, back to the reason I went to ICAM and the reason for the title of this post:  Knowing that my odds go up to contract breast cancer because my mom had it and it was found when she about 48 years old, I decided I wanted to take a MUCH MORE proactive role in my health and well-being NOW, and thwart the possibility of that dreaded disease from manifesting in my body.  The first action was to find out what my levels of Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone are.  With depression and profound PMS symptoms, I figured that would be a great place to start.  I learned (gathering more knowledge), that the actual levels of those hormones cannot accurately be determined just through a blood test.  A saliva test was needed to give the most accurate level of those particular hormones.  Excessive Estrogen has been linked to breast cancer....hmm?  I need to know NOW if my Estrogen level is too high.  That would be very pertinent information for a daughter who's mother died of breast cancer at the age of 51, wouldn't it?  However, conventional medical professionals have never explained to me that information OR that a saliva test is needed to accurately test the level of that hormone.   Maybe they disagree with that information. Who knows?

    Next, I gave 10 vials of blood away Monday to be tested for just about everything under the sun, literally.  I go back to ICAM on January 24th to find out all the results of these tests and I am very excited to hear, BECAUSE, with all that information, I will learn what condition my body is in-- in just about every area.  I will learn what vitamins, minerals, and foods, (that God created), I need to maintain a healthy body that is capable of fighting off disease.

     So why would I be sharing all this information on a blog post?  Because I know women read this post.  When I posted about depression, I got many response emails and I suspect many woman have had similar problems/symptoms as I have.  I share this information with you to encourage YOU to take a proactive role in your health as well.  God created the Earth and I am beginning to understand that the fruits, vegetables and plants He created were for us to be nourished and healthy and disease-free!  He's a perfect God, Who created a perfect Earth....it is Man who messed it up. The less man processes His stuff, the better it is for us...  He is a wonderful Creator, isn't He?

     As for the problem I mentioned earlier in my post, things are moving along much better. :)

And what union can there be between God's temple and idols?  
For WE ARE the temple of the living God.  As God said:  "I will live in them
and walk among them.  I will be their God and they will be My people."  
2 Corinthians 6:16 NLT

Saturday, January 1, 2011

A New Year. . .

So, 2011 came in quietly and without event.  Gary had contracted the dreaded "junk" that was being passed around his office and felt crummy, although he stayed awake with me to watch the ball drop in NYC!  (Even though it was only 11:00, I appreciated his effort tremendously.)

My last post reads sad at first, then gradually gets better.  It's always so astounding to me as I go back and read a post from weeks before.  I'm amazed at where I can be on one day, and where I might be three weeks later.  I better not ponder that thought too long...my analytical mind will have me diagnosed with ALL kinds of things! lol!

I've never been one to make many New Year's resolutions...probably because I was never good at keeping them and I didn't like the feeling of "defeat" I got from not being able to keep them.  So, as 2011 rolls in, I'm just going to proclaim a few things, in the Name of Jesus:

1)  I proclaim to learn and know who I am in Christ, without any doubts-EVER! (I am seriously getting so tired of this back and forth battle with the enemy.  I'm going to let him have it this year!)
2)  I proclaim to stop worrying so much about others and letting people be responsible for themselves.  (I mean this in a good way :)
3) I proclaim to be authentic, honest, and loving to myself and others...whatever the cost.  (I apologize in advance if my honesty is ever too brutal.  I intend to do honesty in love.)
4)  I proclaim to take a proactive role in my health and well-being- physically, mentally and spiritually. And I intend to learn much more about natural medicine and homeopathic healing. ( I also intend to get my body fat to 25% by March 15, 2011.)

I've only mentioned a few of my "proclamations", but these are the first ones that come to mind.  I believe with all my heart that 2011 will be a year of revelation, freedom and sincerity.  I look forward to God's revelations, His purposes for Gary and me and for His love in everything.

God has blessed me beyond belief and I owe all the praise and honor and glory to Him.  He IS the God of the Universe! 

Oh and Get ready!  He's coming back!

Happy New Year Blessings to You!
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