Tuesday, April 12, 2011


I don't know about you, but I can probably guess....you too, feel there just aren't enough minutes in a day to get everything accomplished you'd like.  I have many days like that.  I have a "to do" list that keeps morphing into a novel!  What I don't accomplish on Monday, I move to my Tuesday list and so on and so on.  You get my drift? 

Jesus Christ has redeemed me from so much:  loneliness, abandonment, fear, insecurities, shame, guilt, condemnation, being lost, my past as a whole, and the list goes on and on. :)  One day, while praying, it dawned on me that if Jesus has redeemed me from all of those things listed, and more, why couldn't He redeem my time?  That seemed logical to me.  So I asked Him that day, "Lord, I need You to redeem my time today, every single minute of this day, Lord.  I want to accomplish what You have set before me to do in an effort to be in Your will.  Please protect every minute of this day from the enemy who desires to steal, kill and destroy my time so I won't accomplish Your will today.  Please be the Redeemer of my time.  In Jesus' Name, Amen."  

Done.  Just like that, with a simple prayer, the Lord has become the Redeemer of my time.  My day still has only 24 hours in it, just as before, but now, the enemy has no authority to steal minutes from my day.  Now, I feel like I have time left over at the end of the day!  Is that amazing?  Because I prayed a prayer that lines up with God's will, He will honor it.  If I happen to have a morning where I'm running late and don't say this prayer....Oh! will I ever pay!  I know immediately what has taken place.  So, I stop where I am, and say this little prayer.  From it, I get big results!

What has Jesus redeemed you from?  Is your list long like mine?  Well, add one more item to your list: TIME.  Let me know how this prayer works for you.  I pray your time will be redeemed for Him. :)

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