Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Close of Another Year

It is almost impossible to believe that just a few days ago, the hustle and bustle of the Christmas season was at its all-time high!  Yesterday was kind of a "downer" as the Christmas season came to an end.  Gary and I even took our tree down, along with all the other Christmas decor.  It amazes me how quickly it comes and goes.

Here we are looking at 2012 just around the corner as a new year begins again.  This is the time I evaluate how the previous year went, if I met my goals and what my new goals are.  I remember last January, I wanted to take a more active role in my health, and I have done that.  Turns out, I had a thyroid issue that is now under control with natural medicine.  I worked out for awhile, and as usual, my enthusiasm for working out faded fairly quickly.  Although, Gary and I ordered the Tony Horton (P90X) 10 Minute Work-out!  I've done it a few times and I must say, I can be huffing and puffing in as little as 10 minutes!  (That's not a good sign.)

One goal I am closer to now than ever is the completion of my book.  It is currently with the editor, then I will write the final chapter, then it will go back for the last edit and then off to be published!  I never imagined getting this close after working on the Introduction for three years!  I realized that while writing about my childhood, over and over, God softened the ground of my heart in order for Him to pull every weed that had taken up root.  As I continued to write, the book took the form of a Memoir, which is not exactly how I wanted it to read.  So, when I got to the Editor/Publisher, Dee Burks, we re-worked about 35% of the book. (Reworked=Rewrote)...It was a daunting task at first, but with her guidance, the book has taken a new form...more like a "self-help" book.  I write about common issues that I believe others will relate to, such as, codependency, unforgiveness, waiting for Mr. Right (Wells), and most importantly, falling in love with Jesus!  Anyway, I am just a little excited to be this close to publishing the book and will certainly keep you posted.

Gary and I realize without a doubt how very blessed we are to have each other, our health, our family and friends and of course, our two dogs, Shorty and Lovey.  Yes, Shorty celebrated her 14th birthday in August and continues to amaze me by how spry she is.

I haven't really decided on any new resolutions for 2012, except to walk more.  With the help of a new pedometer, I believe that will happen...I've become obsessed with how many steps I take in a day.

I pray that 2012 is even more blessed than 2011 was.  God is the Giver of all good gifts and I believe He has so much in store for all His children, we need only ask.

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