Friday, August 5, 2011

Watch What You Say. . .

Currently, I'm reading and re-reading a book titled God's Creative Power by Charles Capps.  My dear friend, Tammy, gave me this book last Christmas and although I didn't take to it immediately, once I sat down and read through it, I realized what a treasure it was.  Since then, I've given it to many others in hopes they too, would find it such a wonderful treasure.

The author explains, quite convincingly, how powerful our words are.  I believed that already, but this book explains it in much more depth than the verse in Proverbs 18:21 The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (NIV)

That is a fairly bold statement, isn't it?  Life and death in our words?  Really?  I believe the Bible is the absolute truth and God cannot lie, so this verse is just as true as all scripture.  I haven't always taken this verse so seriously, though.  No, many words flew out of my mouth in casual conversation that I do believe now, opened doors for the enemy to attack me.  Such as, "Oh! That traffic drives me crazy!" How many times have we heard that statement?  Too many to count.  Well, if our words, even idle words such as that statement have the power to bring life and death, why would that statement be held to a different standard? 

Mr. Capps states, "Spoken words program your spirit (heart) either to success or defeat.  Words are containers.  They carry faith or fear, and they produce after their kind."  That statement lines up directly with the Proverbs 18:21 verse, in my opinion.  This book has completely changed how I speak, what I speak and even where I let my thoughts go.  The enemy is always on the prowl, looking to whom he can devour.  The last thing I want to do is give him an open door through my spoken words!

Try this:  Closely examine ALL the words that come out of your mouth on a daily basis, even hourly.  See if there are places you've allowed the enemy to attack by the words you speak.  If you're like me, there were many, but I was unaware until I really began to pay attention.  When you catch yourself, ask for forgiveness and rebuke the enemy in Jesus' Name to close that door tight!  He flees at the sound of "Jesus."   Here's an even bolder statement:

But I tell you that everyone will have to give an account on the day of judgment for every empty word they have spoken.  For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.   
Matthew 12:36-37 NIV

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