Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Birthday Month Recap. . .

Well, another birthday month has come and gone.  I had the great pleasure last night of having a birthday dinner with my dear friend, Karen Saunders, at Outback, with my favorite appetizer of theirs: Macaroni and Cheese!  In case you didn't know, they make the BEST mac & cheese.

 I explained to Karen why I think I love my birthday so much.  After writing in my journal to God, these thoughts came to mind:  "Every year, I enjoy my birthday more and more.  I just love that day of specialness; knowing You (God) created me on that day for a very special purpose."  Shouldn't we all love that day?  We are made in God's image, to complete some part of His purpose here on Earth.  Wow!  That's extremely special, indeed!

Having declared the year 2013 as the year to fast fear, I faced my fear of cutting my hair short, (very short!)  Years and years of fear, overcome by one day of courage...a whole lot of courage!!!

Karen gave me the most interesting book for my birthday.  Ever Wonder is the title of this thought-provoking book.  Each page has a different question or statement to ponder. Here's the question I attach to overcoming the fear of cutting my hair off: "Why be afraid of something you want?"  let me type that again, Why be afraid of something you want? Simple question; complex answer, huh? I don't know about you, but I have found myself afraid of things I really wanted!  How ridiculous is that?

For years, I've looked at hairstyle magazines and my eye was always drawn towards the short hairstyles....yet, I feared cutting my hair, but I wanted short hair!  It makes no sense, does it?  Granted, I am only talking about something minor in life, such as hair...I've been guilty of fearing more important things I've wanted, such as, intimacy with God or even certain people in my life.

Why do we fear what we want?  That is a question that causes me to think about past behavior, thoughts, actions, etc...all rooted in fear, even though the fear is keeping me from something I really want!  If that is not an indication of how the enemy deceives us, I don't know what it is.

So, here's to another fear blasted away in 2013!!!  I like having short hair.  For me, it is quite freeing.  I think for years I've been a short haired woman trapped in a long-haired girl's body!  Finally, some freedom from the bondage of long hair!!  I look in the mirror and now have the hairstyle I've looked at in magazines for YEARS!  Literally, years (just ask Gary!)  Poor guy, he's had to listen to me talk about wanting short hair the entire time we've been married.....almost 7 years!!!

So. . .I have to ask you. . .Is there something you fear that you really want?  Maybe its time to face that question and move past the fear....what awaits on the other side could be the freedom you long for! :)

They are confident and fearless 
and can face their foes triumphantly.
Psalm 112:8 NLT

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Transformed-Made New-Set Free. . .

While working with a woman from North Carolina on developing a message, she asked me to come up with a "tagline"....basically stating what my message is all about.  The tagline needs to be succinct, catchy and easily remembered.  After listing 15 or so different possibilities, I landed on this:


I base my tagline on my absolute favorite scripture:
2 Corinthians 5:17
"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; 
old things have passed away, 
behold all things are made new!" 

 I recite this verse in my head many times when I'm tempted to doubt, fear, feel inadequate or any other negative reaction I might have to life.  This verse is a banner I fly over me when the enemy comes knocking, sometimes, banging my door down to hurt me, tempt me or just flat out lie to me!

As the Lord gives me opportunities to speak to women, I find one thing in common...we women, as Christians, are struggling with some pretty heavy stuff.  It saddens me to hear some of the burdens women are carrying around, heavy laden with grief, fear, anger, sadness, loneliness, unforgiveness, and the list goes on and on.  It makes me so angry with the enemy I could just spit!! (On him, of course.)

We are brand new in Christ.  All of the "old stuff" has passed away because the Spirit of Jesus lives
inside of us!  I love that good news.  It is the absolute truth as well!

The next time you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders, or you're tempted with the things of old, remember the verse:

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; 
old things have passed away, 
behold all things are made new!
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